Monday, July 16, 2007

outlook feature request

Ok. This has nothing to do with return to india but hey while I have you reading my blogs why not make you read this too! :)

Here is a feature request for Outlook (Aparna B are you reading?). Wouldn't it be nice if as you hit send button, outlook scans your email looking for word attached (or enclosed or attachment), then it checks to see if the email has an attachment and warns you if there is none? It would save so many of us from sending those "oops forgot to attach, here you go..." type of emails!!! Do write a comment if you ever had to send such an embarrassing email to your colleagues.


Unknown said...

Its called, read and check your emails properly before hitting the send button!

Suhas Kelkar said...

LOL! I dont have time to read all my incoming emails. How would I have time to read my OWN emails? :)